15 LGBTQ Actors Who Have Played Superheroes in Movies and TV

15 LGBTQ Actors Who Have Played Superheroes in Movies and TV

Yes, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) confirmed he’s had “a bit of both” on his self-titled Disney+ series, but besides the gender-fluid demi-god, the only canonically gay character in the MCU is Bryan Tyree Henry’s Phastos in “Eternals.” Marvel and DC may not have fully embraced queer characters: but a number of actors playing superheroes are absolutely part of the LGBTQ community.

Here’s some openly out thespians who’ve donned a cape — and looked fabulous doing it.

Angelina Jolie, Thena in “Eternals”

Jolie became part of the MCU in this 2021 all-star film as the nearly invincible Thena. She was previously married to Jonny Lee Miller, Billy Bob Thornton and Brad Pitt, but has always been open about dating women as well, as she told Barbara Walters in 2003.

Tessa Thompson, Valkyrie in “Thor: Ragnarok”

Thompson rocked her role of Valkyrie so hard in “Thor: Ragnarok” that the character ended up becoming the King of Asgard. She came out as bisexual in 2018 and has been dating singer and “Glass Onion” star Janelle Monae.

The twice-Oscar nominated McKellen, who also memorably played Gandalf in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, has been out since 1988. He brought gravitas and a wicked sense of humor to his portrayal of Holocaust survivor Erik Lehnsherr, aka the  metal-manipulating Magneto.

Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead in “Deadpool”

The actress, who shaved her head when she auditioned for the part, came out as “liking both boys and girls” when making the lesbian teen drama “First Girl” in 2017.

Nicole Maines, Dreamer in “The Flash”

The trans actress, who appeared as Nia Nal aka Dreamer on “The Flash,” “Supergirl” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” also plays Lisa, a member of Lottie’s cult on “Yellowjackets.