13 Quotes About Uncles That Will Show How Much You Love Him

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13 Funny Uncle Quotes He'll LoveGetty

Uncles hold the title for being the family jokesters, the best storytellers, and cooler versions of dads. On Father's Day, let your favorite sidekick know that you’re thinking of him by sharing a sweet quote. If you're writing it in a card, don't forget to pair it with an amazing gift.

Need more ideas? Check out GoodHousekeeping.com's Father’s Day Guide.

Peter Morgan

No family is complete without an embarrassing uncle.

Uncle Quotes Peter Morgan
Betsy Farrell

Dusty Baker

You can tell your uncle stuff that you could not tell your dad. That is kind of the role of an uncle. I feel very much like a father sometimes but sometimes I feel like a teammate.

Uncle Quotes Dusty Baker
Betsy Farrell

Peter Kay

Everyone had an uncle who tried to steal their nose.

Uncle Quotes Peter Kay
Betsy Farrell

Irene Banks

An uncle is a blessing. It means so many things. Words could never tell the joy an uncle brings. An uncle is a bond of faith that even time can’t sever, a gift to last all of our lives. An uncle is forever.

Uncle Quotes Irene Banks
Betsy Farrell


Uncle: Someone who helps, advises, and encourages; great at telling funny family stories.

Uncle Quotes Definition Helps, Advises, Encourages
Betsy Farrell

Rey Mysterio

My uncle was a second father to me. I spent most of my childhood with him.

Uncle Quotes Rey Mysterio
Betsy Farrell


An amazing uncle is like a glass of refreshing lemonade in the hot summer of life.

Uncle Quotes Lemonade Summer
Betsy Farrell

Martha MacIsaac

I certainly have many, many uncles … Their maturity level is still hovering around 15 when they all get together.

Uncle Quotes Martha MacIsaac
Betsy Farrell


Uncles are there to help the child get into mischief that they haven’t thought of yet.

Uncle Quotes Mischief They Haven't Thought Of
Betsy Farrell

Jeff Kleinman

Never was a brother or cousin — but unclehood looms, and so do lessons on wearing loud ties, talking with a full mouth, stealing a nose.

Uncle Quotes Jeff Kleinman
Betsy Farrell


Funcle: Like a dad, only cooler.

Uncle Quotes Funcle Like Dad
Betsy Farrell


I get my good looks from my uncle.

Uncle Quotes Good Looks
Betsy Farrell


I’m as lucky as can be. The world’s greatest uncle belongs to me.

Uncle Quotes World's Greatest Uncle
Betsy Farrell

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