13 Hobbies for Couples to Try That’ll Give You Some Quality Time Together

One of the best parts of dating, hands down, is that you always have someone to do all your favorite things with—whether it’s traveling the world or marathon-watching Love Island. But when was the last time you and your partner tried a new hobby together? TBH, the busier life gets, the less we tend to prioritize quality time, and it takes work to keep things fresh and exciting. If Netflix-and-chill is your norm and your days are starting to feel a little stagnant, you’re not alone. Fortunately, though, there are many hobbies for couples to explore together that can help you shake things up.

According to licensed psychologist Kelsey Latimer, PhD, it’s crucial to keep the romantic spark going, especially if your current routine is getting a bit mundane. “It’s easy to get caught in a rut and push the relationship to the side,” she says, especially when you’re already juggling a million responsibilities. But making time to try new hobbies with your partner can help you stay connected, she says. “This communicates to your partner that you care and that you are prioritizing your relationship.”

The specific hobbies you try are completely up to you! But when searching for something new to try, Latimer recommends reflecting on what your relationship needs and using the hobby as a way to potentially help. “Is there an area you’re struggling with that requires some love?” she says. “For instance, are you feeling ‘too serious’ about the day-to-day, or do you do ‘fun’ things, but never talk deeply?” If everyday life feels too mundane, she recommends trying a hobby that will expand your comfort zone. If you and your partner are all over the place, an intimate, low-key hobby like baking might align better.

Maybe hitting up the gym is the perfect activity for your relationship. Or, maybe starting a mini book club would feel cozy and special. It’s less about the activity itself and more about being open to new experiences, Latimer says—so don’t be afraid to try different things and see what you both enjoy (and what you don’t!).

Need some inspo? Whatever your relationship looks like, here are 13 hobbies for couples to try, from chill and romantic to adventurous and out-of-the-box. Thank us later!

1.Go on Regular Walks Together.

Although we love a good solo hot girl walk to clear your mind, it might be nice to invite your person every once in a while. Carl Nassar, PhD, a professional counselor based in Denver, Colorado, says this is a great option for busy couples who want to be more present with each other. “You get outside, you’re moving your body, and you’re away from your home and the distractions it contains,” he says. Going for daily or weekly walks together can encourage you to get past surface-level convos and really share how you’re doing.

2. Cook or Bake Something Yummy.

Even if meal prepping isn’t your strong suit, cooking or baking together can be a creative hobby for couples who love activities that are both fun and functional (because, um, who doesn’t love food?). “Diving into cooking and learning something new helps you both grow your skills while enjoying food and bonding,” says psychologist Lisa Lawless, PhD, CEO of the sexual wellness company Holistic Wisdom. By *no* means are we saying to quit your beloved takeout tradition, BTW—but something about making a meal from scratch can be extra meaningful.

To make sure the event isn’t a one-time thing, Lawless recommends setting a regular date and time for cooking together. From recreating viral TikTok recipes to Pinterest-worthy holiday cookies, there are endless options for what you can make. You’ll be saying “Yes, chef” in no time.

3. Join a Pickleball League.

ICYMI, pickleball is all the rage right now. Whether it’s the cute outfits, the camaraderie, or the competition that gets you going, playing pickleball with your partner can be a fun way to bond. Even if you’ve never played before, it’ll be exciting to learn alongside your partner and you’ll probably meet tons of friends at the court. Whether you practice together once a week, play against community members, or join an actual tournament, it’s up to you how involved you want to be. (Just make sure to support each other, even if your boo keeps hitting it out of bounds).

4. Volunteer at a Local Community Center.

For a cute, low-cost hobby that’ll be meaningful and rewarding, try volunteering together in your community. “Whether you're serving meals at the neighborhood food drive or taking adorable shelter pups for a stroll, giving back is a wonderful idea,” says Lawless. Check social media or your town’s website for volunteer opportunities, and choose one you’re both excited about—or something entirely new! Whether it’s working with people, cheering on runners at a 5K for charity, or flexing your green thumb at a community garden, the possibilities are endless. Mixing love and kindness can help romance grow, too, Lawless says. It’s a win-win.

5. Start a Book Club for Two.

BookTok-obsessed girlies, rise. If you need a cute hobby to try with your partner that’ll spark your imagination and help you bond, consider making your own book club for two! Keep a collaborative list in your Notes app with your “must reads,” then make your way down the list and discuss. Not only will you chip away at your ambitious resolution to read more books this year, but you’ll have lots to talk about—especially if smut is involved.

For a hot twist on this hobby idea, psychologist and dating expert Nikki Coleman, PhD recommends reading erotica together. Whether you take turns reading passages to each other out loud or you send pics of your favorite chapters throughout the workday, Coleman recommends “seeing what sparks arousal and pleasure.” Yes, pls.

6. Attend Weekly Trivia Nights.

If you crave mental stimulation, semi-competitive vibes, and a social environment where you can show off your skills, trivia is a super fun hobby to try. Going to trivia at a local brewery or cafe is *especially* perfect for couples who have different skill sets and interests. Maybe you’re the queen of pop culture quizzes and your boyfriend can name every athlete, ever, or you’re a professional history buff and they’re a pro at "name that song." Combined, you’ll make a power team, and you can make this hobby even more social by inviting friends to form a team with you. You’ll get out of the house, learn, laugh, and have a consistent way to unwind together each week.

7. Wander Around the Farmer’s Market or a Local Festival.

If you and your partner love getting out of the house, exploring, and people-watching, regularly attending events in your town can be a simple, yet effective hobby idea. You can shop, try new foods, meet local vendors, explore handmade art, or simply grab coffee and take cute selfies as you walk around. The best part of this hobby? You don’t have to spend a fortune. “I like the idea of finding local farmer’s markets and free festivals that towns hold,” Latimer says. “When you take the time to search, there are so many things that can be done on a budget!”

8. Work Out, Do Yoga, or Meditate Together.

Whether you’re a diehard SoulCycle rider, in your pilates era, or it’s Barry’s Bootcamp or bust, getting your heart rate up with your partner is the perfect sweaty-sexy combo. Take them to your favorite class (especially if they’ve never been!) and work out together during the week, or try a chill yoga class if you both need a breather from the hustle. BTW, there’s no pressure to film couples TikToks at the gym (unless you want to!) but you know what they say…couples who sweat together, stay together.

9. Sign Up for Acting or Improv Classes.

Former theater kids and Broadway babes, this one’s for you. Taking an acting class or learning improv with your partner is the perfect hobby to try, especially if you both love a fun challenge. “Taking an improv or acting class is the perfect chance to step outside of your comfort zone and a great way to enjoy some fun and laughs,” Lawless says. Chances are, you’ll meet like-minded people who like to think outside of the box. And even if you’re totally nervous to be in front of people, having your partner there will make it less intimidating (and way more fun). At the very least, you’ll gain new skills, grow your confidence, and have a ton of inside jokes.

10. Learn a New Language Together.

One of the best ways to bond with your boo? Try to learn a new language together. If you’re dreaming of a trip to Spain, for instance, download DuoLingo and start practicing your Spanish as a couple. Add Spanish TV shows to your Netflix queue, quiz each other on new words throughout the week, or even write a love letter to each other in the language you’ve chosen. The possibilities are endless with this one—plus, how hot is it to hear your person say “I love you” in a different language?

11. Do Seasonal Astrology or Tarot Card Readings.

If you love all things mystical, you’ll love this witchy hobby idea. Exploring astrology, tarot card readings, and other spiritual practices can be super fun tools for exploration—both individually, and as a couple. For astrology, you’ll need to know the exact day, time, and location of your birth—then, you can try to read your own chart and learn about each other’s signs (the CHANI app is beginner friendly!). If tarot cards spark your interest, you can purchase a deck or even explore cards online. You’ll get to know each other on a deeper level and have a fun way to check in with each other’s thoughts, feelings, and goals throughout different chapters of your life.

12. Plan Monthly Wine Tastings.

Your partner may be Pinot Noir-obsessed while you prefer rosé, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an amazing time trying and learning about different wines. This hobby is cool, sophisticated, a little hot, and will make you feel super smart as you identify the ~notes~ in each glass. If you and your partner have a competitive streak, you can even make a game out of it—whoever guesses the type of wine and the country it comes from gets to choose their fave bottle to bring home.

You can dress up, go out to a bar or winery, and make it a regular thing—or bring a sommelier to you and try a tasting from home (Samantha Sommelier is amazing). BTW, we know drinking isn’t for everyone, so if you’re sober-curious or not into drinking, mocktails and charcuterie can be equally as delicious!

13. Teach Your Partner *Your* Favorite Hobby.

FYI, it’s totally fine to not enjoy the exact same things, all the time. Having your own interests in a relationship is essential! But that doesn't mean you can’t still explore each other’s hobbies and learn new things. “I think it is particularly fun for each partner to do something that the other person likes so they can teach them,” Latimer says. “For instance, my husband loves video games, and every once in a while, I commit to playing some games with him, which I would never do on my own.” (And sure, maybe you won’t be *quite* as good as your partner at Zelda, but it’s the effort that counts!)

Try introducing your partner to something you love, whether it’s running, candle-making, or even a podcast you love listening to every week. Not only will they get a glimpse into your world, but you’ll probably feel seen and appreciated by them, too.

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