"You Don’t Need To Do That, I Have Maids," And 11 Other Suuuper Out-Of-Touch Things People's Rich Friends Said Or Did

A while back, I rounded up some out-of-touch things people's wealthy roommates said and did. In the comments, the BuzzFeed Community shared even more of their own experiences from having rich roomies and friends.

Here are 12 of their top respones:

1."Had a housemate who said her parents weren't rich because, yes, they had an indoor pool, but it wasn't heated."

An indoor pool
Tomas Rodriguez / Getty Images


2."She ruined her car by not putting oil in it. Called her parents screaming and yelling, blaming them for buying her a 'cheap used car' (it was a luxury sports car) and demanded that they buy her a new one. So they did. A brand new luxury sports car with custom features."

Closeup of a woman driving a red car

"She never cleaned. She took the trash out once and was so proud of herself. She spent [wild] amounts on drugs.

Bragged that she didn't recycle because her dad was responsible for recycling pickup in Seattle, and he just shipped all the recycling to a landfill overseas and made millions. But she told me not to tell anyone because her dad would go to jail and they would lose everything.

She wanted to be a corporate lawyer because the lawyers for her dad's 'business' made serious money, and she could just work for him.

Grossest person I ever met. Oh, and she had a lock on her bedroom door. As if any of us wanted her drugs, stuff, or money."


3."I was an RA in college, and on move-in day, one freshman was shocked at the small, stark room. He starting asking me several questions, like when the decorators were coming (never). Could he order and pay someone to put up Burberry wallpaper? (Definitely not.) What days do the maids come? (You are responsible for keeping your room clean and tidy.)"

Screenshot from "Schitt's Creek"

"He almost dropped out right there. I will always remember him, as I have never seen a jaw fall that far."


4."In my early 20s, my roommate insisted that I should just buy a car because 'it must be cheaper than a bus pass.'"

Screenshot from "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody"
Disney Channel / Via youtube.com


5."My freshman year, we were in our dorm meeting each other, unpacking, etc. My roommate was like, 'Oh, I really want the room to match colors, so you can just go to Target and buy matching ones.'"

A woman smiling and fanning herself with money

"Didn't even consider I'd brought my own or would be able to afford an entirely new bedding set, even if I did want to match with her."


6."[My friend] had a friend who would get Starbucks three times a day and acted like the world was ending when they couldn't afford it anymore because their dad got fired from Microsoft."

Closeup of Paris Hilton


7."In college, I once knew a girl whose parent was a politician from her home country. She was given a monthly allowance while living in the US. One time, she accidentally injured herself while skiing. Even though she didn't have American health insurance, somehow, her monthly allowance was enough to cover her medical bills so her parents didn't find out."

"I'm rich."


8."I was friends with a guy for a long time online, and our first encounter in-person/date went phenomenal, except for a few things: I tidied up behind myself, and he told me, 'You don’t need to do that, I have maids.' And the real kicker for me was when he was talking about his college friends, and he said, 'Some of them have…debt. I can't believe it. It just doesn’t make any sense to me!'"

"Where is the maid?"

"And the delivery of the word 'debt' was as if he was talking about ghosts or a scary story you'd tell your kids... [He] lives alone in a three-bedroom townhome in a gated community and drives a luxury car — all purchased by his family.

Immediately no. 💀"


9."Freshman year of high school, my friend casually mentioned that they went to a different country every year for Christmas."

"You wish you had what I have in the bank, darling."


10."I briefly went to boarding school on scholarship, and everyone there was very out-of-touch. My roommate was super rich and was always traveling to different countries during school breaks. One time, she was talking about her favorite countries she'd been to, and she asked me about my favorites. I said I'd never traveled outside the US, and she was genuinely shocked and taken aback."

"We can afford it"

"She deadass was like, 'What?! Why not?' I’ve always thought that was so funny. 😭"


11."I actually got paid to do a friend of mine's laundry in college because he was used to sending his laundry out. I offered to teach him, but he wasn't interested, and I needed the money."

Money being thrown into a washing machine


12.And finally: "While I was living with my cousin, he shrunk my favorite placemats (a tiny luxury for me) in the laundry. I was mad, and he told me just to go buy new ones. I said I couldn't afford it, so he told me to ask my parents for the money."

Screenshot from "Home Alone 2"

"He didn’t understand that 'normal' parents don’t just hand over cash for stuff because his dad is so rich and hands over money for anything."


What's the most out-of-touch thing a wealthy roommate or friend has ever said to you? Let us know in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length/clarity.