The 20 best cheap date ideas that are also super cute

Cheap date ideas
20 cheap date ideas that are also super cuteCaroline Tompkins / Refinery29 for Getty Images

If you’re looking for a last minutes Valentine’s Day date idea that won’t break the bank, we’ve got you covered. Due to the cost-of-living crisis, three-quarters of people are planning on spending less this Valentine's Day than previous years, according to a survey by Creditfix.

So, if you’re looking for something creative and fun to impress your love, try one (or more) of these cheap date ideas and thank us later.

Cheap Date Ideas

  • Don't just do a coffee

  • Go on a bike ride

  • Browse at a market

  • Go for a picnic

  • Create an at-home restaurant

  • Make a blanket fort

  • Play a board game

  • Skip straight to dessert

  • Visit a museum

  • Find a great view

  • Play tourists

  • Create a home spa

  • Get crafty

  • Play video games

  • Go wild swimming

  • Test out some new comedy

  • Go stargazing

  • Have sports day

  • Make your own cocktails (or mocktails)

  • Have a distraction-free date

1. Don't do just a coffee

Coffee: the classic daytime alternative to a drink. However, "'Let's grab a coffee...' can be a bit of a passion killer," says London dating coach Hayley Quinn. "If you want to stand out on your dates mix up the classic coffee date by going to somewhere non-chain, swapping to a hot chocolate, and then head out for a scenic walk. Much better than navel gazing in Starbucks." Ask for whipped cream on top if you want to make it extra cheeky...

2. Go on a bike ride

Bikes are super cheap to hire, and if you're in London the Santander cycle hire scheme means you can pick a bike up on the street for as little as £2. "Bike rides are great for taking in some amazing scenery, and for taking the pressure off the conversation," says Quinn. "Plus if you don't fancy them, at least you got some exercise!"

Cheap date ideas | 15 ways to have a cheap date
Bonfanti Diego - Getty Images

3. Browse at a market

Markets are usually free to walk around and can unveil a treasure trove of interesting things, from food to clothes and antiques. Similarly, thrift shops or charity shops are a great place to go shopping together without breaking the bank. You don't even have to buy anything, but if you do Quinn suggests, "set each other a £10 max budget for the day and hunt around to find the best bargains."

4. Go for a picnic

An easy way to have dinner on the cheap is by going for a picnic. Plus, the added romance can't hurt. Quinn suggests keeping it equal by both bringing a dish each, and, "even if you can't stretch to the full experience just having some wine, cake or berries can be a nice treat."

5. Create an at-home restaurant

If you're not a big fan of the outdoors, you could try having a picnic or creating your own restaurant in the comfort of your own home. "My husband and I do a thing called 'fake restaurant' where we will clean up the house, dim most lights so the atmosphere is romantic, he'll put on a really nice record and I'll cook something semi-difficult/French/or a steak," says one Reddit user. "We open a bottle of wine and look our best and never leave the house, but the effect is the same- we enjoy each other and life is beautiful!"

Meanwhile, "cooking together, even if you're the worst cook in the world, can be seriously good fun," says Quinn. "Try playing Masterchef by each choosing an ingredient you have to cook with, or getting all your ingredients for £5." Game on.

6. Make a blanket fort

Another at-home alternative to a picnic is the good old blanket fort, which is a firm fave for a lot of people. One Reddit user says, "My husband makes the BEST couch/blanket/table forts complete with the TV and a mattress inside the fort with an 'outdoor' picnic area for dinner before settling down with snacks and a movie in the fort." Adorable.

7. Play a board game

cheap date ideas that are also super cute
Cavan Images - Getty Images

"Board games are having a renaissance and can be a great lo-fi way to pass a winter's evening," suggests Quinn. "Try out a classic like Cluedo, or a new game like Catan. Plus if you really like someone you can choose to get engrossed in a longer game like Monopoly or Risk Legacy which will require multiple dates to complete!" Just don't get into an argument when one of you goes bankrupt, okay?

8. Skip straight to dessert

"Going out for dinner can feel awkward at the best of times for a first date, then there's the question of who pays the bill," says Quinn. "Instead opt to skip straight to dessert: it's cheaper, shorter and more indulgent, so makes for a great first date." Any excuse to eat a cheesecake and we're sold tbh.

9. Visit a museum

Plenty of museums and galleries are free to enter and, even if you have to buy a ticket, they're usually cheap with plenty of student discounts on offer. It's also a great chance to soak up some culture and get a sense of what the person you're dating is into. "Museums provide plenty of talking points," says Quinn, "so can be a great way to get to know someone on a date, and up your general knowledge at the same time."

10. Find a great view

"Sometimes, if you're with someone you're attracted to, having a great view and a good walk is all you need,"Quinn reckons. "Up the romance factor by heading out at sunset and taking some blankets for star gazing." Good chance to get that perfect Insta shot as well.

11. Play tourists

We're all culprits of never actually seeing the sights in the city we live in. "Get outside of your normal routine by pretending to be tourists for a day in your own city," suggests Quinn. "Ride a tram, ferry, streetcar, then head to some local tourist hot spots. Being playful and having a sense of adventure are also always attractive qualities."

12. Create a home spa

Cheap date ideas | 15 ways to have a cheap date
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There are tonnes of ways to treat yourself to some relaxing (SFW) time at home, like giving each other massages or foot rubs for a fraction of the professional price. As one Reddit user suggests, "Play fake massage parlour, with a clean-made bed all freshly laundered and smelling warm from the dryer, massage oils, and soft music/candles. We're not always (okay most of the time, but really not always!) making it sexy, it's just so relaxing." Plus, it makes you excited to clean up the house. Everyone's a winner.

13. Get crafty

Paint-along YouTube videos are a great way to unleash your artistic side, and laugh at how terrible each of your paintings are. Meanwhile, undertaking a craft project together can be a fun bonding experience. "My fiancé and I aren’t terribly artistically inclined, but we like to go to craft stores and get packaged projects to do," says one Reddit user. "We made a mosaic stepping stone, painted coffee cups, and etched beer mugs and wine glasses. I taught him how to crochet once, and we both tried sewing together."

14. Play video games

If you fancy a night in, upgrade your usual Netflix and chill to a video game sesh. Get your fave food in, make cocktails, and play a cooperative game together (if you're not the competitive type).

15. Go wild swimming

cheap date ideas that are also super cute
Westend61 - Getty Images

Take the plunge romantically and literally! Wild swimming has boomed in popularity since the pandemic, with more people wanting to reconnect with nature. Plus, there’s surprising mental health benefits to cold water swimming. There are plenty of beautiful wild swimming spots around the country (including in most cities) for you to try out either for free or for a small cover charge. Afterwards, why not warm back up with a hot chocolate? “Great dates are often characterised by being novel,” says Quinn “Wild swimming can be adventurous and erotic. If your date is game to go with you, it also shows a willingness to get out of their comfort zone in order to spend time together.”

Remember, only go wild swimming in established locations and check for any signs or updates about the water conditions before you jump in.

16. Test out some new comedy

Although tickets to see big-name stand ups can get pretty spenny, local comedy clubs often offer cheap or even free tickets to events where newbies are trying out their material. Whether the act is set to be the next Mae Martin or barely scrapes a laugh, taking a gamble on a new comic will definitely give you and your date plenty to talk about after. “Laughing the night away will get your endorphins flowing, and (if it's one of your first dates) will give you an opportunity to scope out whether your date shares your sense of humour,” Quinn agrees. “Comedy clubs often run on a 'first come first serve' basis where you don't need to fork out on expensive tickets to attend,” but she warns to be prepared that you might need to arrive early and queue if you want a good seat.

17. Go stargazing

Is your love written in the stars? Head out after sundown to find out. As well as being completely free, stargazing is incredibly romantic. Why not take out a blanket, some pillows, and fresh fruit to add to add to the mood, before snuggling up and seeing how many constellations you can name? Wheelwrights, who offer stargazing retreats in the best spot for it in the UK - the Lake District - suggest taking a red torch while your eyes adjust to the darkness. “It takes 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to darkness enough to view the stars, and If you see any white light, your eyes will reset, and you won’t be able to see as many constellations.”

Tip top: leave your phone in your pocket. Not only will the light make it harder for your eyes to adjust but “low-fi dates that enable you to switch off and be present, will feel more romantic, and will help you to have a more connected conversation,” says Quinn, “Even if you just go out for 15 minutes, you will feel like you've had better quality time together.”

18. Have sports day

Okay, so you don’t have to wear plimsolls and give out little plastic trophies (unless you want to), but trying your hand at a few different sports is a great way to get your blood flowing – hopefully in more ways than one. If either of you already has equipment, head down to your local park for either a kickabout, shooting a few hoops, or seeing how much of a tennis rally you can get going. “Even if you're not athletically gifted, participating in activities like these are a novel way to spend time together and demonstrate your ability to be playful on your dates, which is a universally attractive quality!” says Quinn.

cheap date ideas that are also super cute
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19. Make your own cocktails (or mocktails)

Having your own BYOB night is a great opportunity to get creative and try out each other's favorite drinks. To keep costs down, you can even challenge each other to make the best drink only using things you already have in your kitchen. “Drinks are easier, and less messy, than making a recipe together, but you still get to collaborate on making something. Now you just need to think about who creates the playlist to go with it...” suggests Quinn.

20. Have a distraction-free date

It may sound basic, but so many of us neglect to do this with our S/Os. One Reddit user suggests "unofficial distraction free date nights. Phones are ignored and the TV is actually off. It's great, we end up sitting at the table for hours talking instead of migrating over to the couch and watching TV all night." Here for it!

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