20 men reveal what they thought of their partner's pregnant body

young pregnant woman with tattooed hand sitting cross legged touching her belly on a bed in soft light
What 20 men thought of their partner's baby bumpSolovyova - Getty Images

Pregnancy, for most couples, signals a big life change. But in terms of the women growing the mini humans, it also means a huge change not only to our life and priorities but to our bodies, too. Of course, nine months of baby-growing will inevitably bring on major transformations - yet sadly - for some women, it can lead to insecurities as their bodies adapt to support their little ones.

We're only human, after all, and change can be hard to accept in any form. But rather than getting sad about stretch marks that weren't there before, or boobs that might not be quite as perky as they were previously, let these Reddit comments help.

For we've scrolled the site and dug out this cute feed asking men what they thought of their partner's evolving pregnant bodies. Hey - from an outside point of view - it's only natural to be curious about their thoughts.

From the "sexy as hell" pregnant glow to being "more beautiful than ever," another thing we can all definitely agree on is how awesome the female body can be when creating a brand new life.

1. "I saw what a baby did to her. It makes me want to fill her with more!"

"I thought my wife got hotter and stayed hotter during pregnancy. She was also beautiful after the pregnancy. She doesn't believe me. I can spend all day long complimenting her... or just desperately try to explain how much I love looking at every square inch of her. She sometimes gets self-conscious and hides. But girl, I saw what a baby did to you, and it makes me want to fill you with more."

2. "She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen"

"She was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Hair, skin, face, body. Sex was challenging as she got larger, but she would normally just lay on her side with one leg higher than the other."

3. "Even her smell was different"

"The pregnant woman glow is a much-discussed thing in our culture and it's sexy as hell. My significant other was always hot, but (currently pregnant) is hot in an exciting new way. Her hormones, body shape, skin colour and even smell are different. Not better or worse different, but interesting and arousing and fun to explore."

4. "I was more caring toward her but not as sexually attracted"

"During the first 8 to 12 weeks, nothing really changed because she wasn't showing that much. I did enjoy her huge boobs though. As soon as she started to really show, however, I was not as horny. I was definitely more caring toward her but just not as sexually attracted."

pregnant woman holding stomach on sofa
Larry Williams - Getty Images

5. "Knowing she was carrying my child brought an extra level of intimacy"

"Watching my wife go through her pregnancy was one of the sexiest things I have ever experienced. Her body was changing in the most miraculous ways and knowing she was carrying my child brought an extra level of intimacy that we hadn't experienced before. I made sure to go to every appointment and was very involved in the process as I wanted to share as much as possible.

One thing I can't fathom about what pregnancy does to a woman's body? I was surprised that her vagina 'changed' during the pregnancy. I was very used to a certain 'feel' and 'fit' so I noticed right away that things were not as before. Obviously it went back to the way it was before but it was an interesting change."

6. "She looked hilarious, but in an adorable way"

"I was still sexually attracted to her, but I also found her hilarious. She's 5' 2" (so she says but I think she's shorter), and when she hit about seven months, she just looked hilarious, but in an adorable way. She's so short and had this massive belly, I couldn't help but giggle every time I saw her. She was a good sport about it though."

7. " It is just a thing of raw, powerful beauty"

"When you know that that woman has made that sacrifice to her body for you, it is the sexiest thing in the entire world. I have never thought of pregnant women as attractive for being pregnant, but when it is your wife, girlfriend or significant other, carrying your child, it is just a thing of raw, powerful beauty."

8. "She thinks she's ugly now because of the scar"

"I loved my partner's body then and still love it. My son is six months now and my wife had an emergency C-section. She thinks she's ugly now because of the scar. I try to tell her I think she's hot but between that and the changing hormones because of the breast feeding, it doesn't work."

9. "The bigger boobs thing was pretty nice"

"I loved everything about her when she was pregnant. It was an awesome combination of super sexy and awe of what was going on inside of her. I won't lie, the bigger boobs thing was pretty nice too. I could have done without the mood swings, but I knew that was just part of the deal and tried not to take it personally."

10. "The visual of her belly was slightly off-putting"

"If I'm being completely honest, it made her far less attractive to me. I think it was mostly in my mind, as I tend to over-think and over-analyse things. The visual of her belly was slightly off-putting, but I found myself really discouraged by the idea of my penis being that close to my child's face.

I know that in reality it has literally no impact and isn't actually anywhere near the child, but that's the sort of thoughts that I would have. None of this was intentional on my part, and I did find myself far more attached and outwardly affectionate than usual. I was incredibly proud of her and as supportive as I could be. But our sex life suffered."

a pregnant couple embrace with their hands gently on stomach in the kitchen of their home with fresh spring flowers in vase
Dougal Waters - Getty Images

11. "In my eyes, she is more beautiful than ever"

"My wife is eight and a half months pregnant. When she got pregnant, there were some obvious noticeable differences. Growing in different areas, some stretch marks, the works. She has fat in areas where there was none before. In my eyes, she is more beautiful than ever. Yes, these areas seem unattractive, but it's part of the process. Her attractiveness is in her personality more than her appearance."

12. It was "awesome on top of the already awesomeness"

"I found my wife to be super-hot when she was pregnant. She had this glow about her, that was just awesome. Plus, she was horny all the time, which was also nice and didn't have to worry about protection, since she wasn't going to get more pregnant.

I did have a bit of apprehension at first, about hurting her or the baby during sex, though. So, most of the time, she was the one in control of the motions. But really, that is just more awesome on top of the already awesomeness."

13. "There's something about a pregnant woman that makes them intensely attractive"

"There's something about a pregnant woman that, to me at least, makes them intensely attractive. Not that I necessarily lusted after my wife, but with all three pregnancies, I found myself consciously ruminating on just how gorgeous she was. Obviously, this isn't the case for everybody, I'd assume one's perspective of their partner's attractiveness is motivated by any number of factors, the least of which include perspectives on love, commitment, and desire for children."

14. "I could not get enough of my wife's body"

"I could not get enough of my wife's body while she was pregnant. It was a huge turn on. Even after the child was born I couldn't keep my hands off her. Breast milk is strange but different, we both had fun with that..."

15. "I find her just as beautiful as before"

"My wife is 6 months pregnant. I find her absolutely gorgeous still and we still have sex fairly often. I love her so much and I find her just as beautiful as before, albeit in a different way. I still find her sexy when I catch her changing, but more of the 'She's gorgeous for being the mother of my child' kind of way."

pregnant woman lying on a bed
Youngoldman - Getty Images

16. She was "almost magical because of the whole motherhood thing"

"When I was with a girl who was pregnant (I started dating her when she was about 3 months pregnant) the bigger she got the more cautious and nervous I was about being intimate with her. I was very nervous at first about doing something that might harm the baby. But after we were together for a while it didn't matter as much. Personally I think she was very attractive and almost magical because of the whole motherhood thing."

17. "I thought it was very cute and I miss it"

"I thought it was very cute and I miss it. I felt bad for her swelling feet (Made her drink lots of water + eat lots of clam chowder and gave her a lot of foot rubs). She carried about her a certain stillness. She looked graceful and loving."

18. "There is nothing more beautiful then the women you love creating a life inside of her"

"My wife was beautiful as a pregnant woman and now that our son is 9 months old I really miss her pregnant body. I miss rubbing her belly and joking about her swollen feet with her. There is nothing more beautiful than the woman you love creating a life inside of her, and all the war wounds (stretch marks, back aches, acne) that come along with it are worth what is to come, and I would assume most women would agree."

19. "I worried that I may not find her attractive"

"My wife is 8 months pregnant right now, I'd say it has had no impact on my attraction to her. Earlier I worried that I may not find her attractive when she showed, but nope. I still think she is beautiful."

20. "I find it so amazing"

"I think my wife's body, with each passing day, becomes more and more a thing of worship. I find it so amazing every day when I look at her belly with our child in it."

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