Vivian Hsu shares tips to shed baby weight

24 Nov – Less sugar, less starch, less ice - that is the basic principle of Vivian Hsu's diet in her effort to shed her pregnancy weight, according to Liberty Times.

The actress recently shared her tips on how to shed the baby weight during an appearance at a skincare event, saying that she was having issues losing weight after giving birth to son Dalton, just like most mothers.

"I have quit eating beef for two months now, and I don't take any drinks with ice. The stubborn fat seemed to have disappeared since then," she said.

Nonetheless, Vivian stressed that it is important not to skip any meal that contains protein.

"Even after reducing your food intake, you should have enough protein. Otherwise, you're going to get tired easily. Aside from tofu and meat stew, I also take good oil, like coconut oil," she said.

As for skincare, Vivian said that it is important to maintain a healthy skin, and she does so by moisturising her skin and using sunscreen.

(Photo Source: Vivian Hsu Facebook)