The Internet Is Freaking Out Over This Real-Life LEGO Man

Meet Creepy Fig, he’s the real-life LEGO man that’s currently sending the internet into meltdown.

Creepy Fig is the brainchild of cosplay expert Frank Ippolito, who unveiled his latest creation at San Diego Comic-Con last weekend, and is now becoming a viral sensation.


The special effects makeup artist spent a week crafting and moulding the latex head and hands, with their haunting mono-fingernails, before hitting the show floor while being filmed by

The costume is based on the iconic LEGO minifig, but it has incredibly lifelike skin, eyebrows, ears, and skinfolds as if the plastic were made from human flesh, and it is utterly terrifying.


Ippolito told Tested: “Kind of like an alternate universe, [I imagined] what it would have been if in the multiverse (a hypothetical set of finite and infinite possible universes) there’s another world that’s all Lego-inspired people.”

Talking about the weird hands, he added: “They (Lego mini figures) have these weird cup finger things and this was the best way I could work out how to do it.”


People took to Twitter to express their messed up thoughts about the costume proving that Creepy Fig was an appropriate name after all.

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Image credits: YouTube