The Man Who Knew Infinity

  • NewsVariety

    Jeremy Irons Talks ‘Justice League,’ Oscar Bait Role in ‘Man Who Knew Infinity’

    With his dog by his side, his long neck wrapped up in a maroon scarf, Jeremy Irons settles into a drab Midtown Manhattan conference room. He pushes his wiry frame into a plastic chair and turns his steely gaze at his interviewer. It’s raining outside — well, spitting — and he’s had to deal with... <a href="" title="Read Jeremy Irons Talks ‘Justice League,’ Oscar Bait Role in ‘Man Who Knew Infinity’">Read

  • NewsMarcus Goh

    Review: 'The Man Who Knew Infinity' is distinctly finite

    “The Man Who Knew Infinity” is a biographical drama that’s based on the book of the same title. It is a dramatisation of the life of mathematician Srinivasan Ramanujan. It stars Dev Patel (Srinivasan Ramajunan), Jeremy Irons (G. H. Hardy), Toby Jones (John Edensor Littlewood), Stephen Fry (Sir Francis Spring), Jeremy Northam (Bertrand Russell), and Devika Bhise (Janaki).