Team America: World Police

  • EntertainmentYahoo Movies UK

    'Team America' at 15: Why one of the 21st century's best comedies is more relevant than ever

    Matt Stone and Trey Parker's satirical puppet comedy 'Team America: World Police' has new relevance in the era of Donald Trump.

  • NewsTom Butler

    Matt Damon ‘Bewildered’ But Proud Of His Team America Cameo

    If you’ve seen ‘Team America: World Police’, Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s searing satirical comedy, you’ll definitely remember Matt Damon’s hilarious “cameo”. Speaking in a Reddit AMA to promote ‘Jason Bourne’, Damon said: “I was always kind of bewildered by Team America, I think because it’s hard for us to understand what our images are in public, I think we’re not good judges of that, and when I saw myself on screen just only able to say my own name and not really that well, I kind of wondere