Retail Therapy

  • LifestyleYahoo Lifestyle Singapore

    Navigate Lazada's 9.9 LazMall sale like a pro and get the best bang for your buck with this guide

    We give you the first dibs so you can navigate Lazada’s 9.9 LazMall Big Brand Sale and save big!

    3-min read
  • NewsYahoo Lifestyle Singapore

    Feeling down? Retail therapy may cheer you up

    Next time you are in a low mood, you might want to try some “retail therapy”. According to a 2014 study by researchers at the University of Michigan in the United States, “making shopping choices can help to restore a sense of personal control over one’s environment and reduce residual sadness”. Simply thinking about the future, and the enjoyment or fun that a new possession may bring, can be mood-boosting, notes the Cleveland Clinic, in its report on the therapeutic effects of shopping.