
  • LifestyleYahoo Life UK

    How To Make A Mac 'N' Chicken Pot Pie

    It's time to take your Mac 'N' Cheese to the next level, with this simple twist, you can add chicken to make a delicious Mac 'N' Chicken Pot Pie.

  • NewsYahoo Lifestyle Singapore

    Bacon potato pie returns to McDonald's Japan: Can you say hehonhohehohai?

    It’s easy to feel sorry for ourselves in Singapore where we only have apple pie, occasionally banana pie that tastes like goreng pisang, and other sweet-flavoured pie at our local McDonald’s – whereas places like Japan get savoury pies like this “hehonhohehohai” – otherwise known as bacon potato pie. いよいよ本日から!ベーコンとポテトたっぷり、ほっくほくでクリーミーな #ヘーホンホヘホハイ!

  • NewsFood52 on Yahoo

    Cheesecake Pie: Why Didn't We Think of This Earlier?!

    Pie crust as the base of a cheesecake is popular in some places, but not nearly as common as it could (and should) be!

  • NewsFood52 on Yahoo

    Peanut Butter and Jelly Pie: What Dreams Are Made Of

    Any sort of nostalgic flavor makes for a killer pie, which is what makes this Peanut Butter and Jelly Pie so good. To emulate the whole-wheat bread and graham crackers of my youth, I mix in some graham flour along with the usual all-purpose. The resulting crust is crisp and lightly nutty, and the perfect base for a creamy peanut butter custard, with a layer of glistening jelly on top.