
  • NewsMarcus Errico

    'Jaws' Shoes: Sneak Peek at This Summer's Scariest Footwear

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the shoe store…

  • NewsMarcus Errico

    Last Surviving 'Jaws' Shark Hooked! Academy to Display Model in New Museum

    Bruce showing off his chompers in ‘Jaws’ (Universal)

  • NewsMeriah Doty

    RIP, 'Mythbusters': 6 Iconic Movie Scenes They've Taken On

    You’ve no doubt heard the news: the inquisitive men of Mythbusters, Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, are ready to retire after 10-plus years following one last season. What we here at Yahoo Movies will miss most is how the duo challenged some of the most classic tropes in cinema. They’ve examined everything from Star Wars tech to Jaws plausibility to Indiana Jones derring-do. Here are a half-dozen of our favorite Mythbusters movie moments: 1.

  • NewsKevin Polowy

    Donald Trump Scarier Than Ever in Horror Movie Mashups

    The thought of Donald Trump becoming the 45th president of the United States is enough to scare the hair right off of some people. And the Photoshop aces on DesignCrowd have taken that Trump fear factor a few steps further — churning out over 100 images of the gaudy real estate mogul in scenes from iconic horror movies. Inspired by a photo of Trump terrorizing a knife-wielding Shelley Duvall in a meme from The Shining that went viral a few weeks ago, the Australian design firm crowd-sourced 124

  • NewsYahoo Movies

    ‘Jaws 19’ Finally Gets a Trailer, 26 Years After 'Back to the Future II’

    Nearly 26 years ago, moviegoers got their first glimpse of Jaws 19 — the waterlogged sequel that Marty McFly spots on a theater marquee while visiting future-set Hill Valley future in 1989’s Back to the Future II. Now, in a cheeky bit of faux-marketing, Universal has unleashed the first teaser trailer for the film, which promises that this time, it’s really personal. According to the teaser, which is embedded above, the highly anticipated sequel will feature a whole family of sharks, presumably

  • NewsGwynne Watkins

    ‘Jaws’ and ‘Psycho’ Theme Songs Played in Major Key are Horrifyingly Happy

    A musician reimagines some classic creepy themes

  • NewsMarcus Errico

    From 'Mr. Jaws' to Misterjaw: A Brief Field Guide to the Greatest 'Jaws' Cash-Ins, Knockoffs, and Send-Ups

    Go ahead: Blame Steven Spielberg’s Jaws for the launch of the summer blockbuster and giving us everything from Shark Week to Sharknado 2-3 to Left Shark. There were endless shark books and magazines (Jaws of Death, Maneater, Killer Shark!), dozens of TV specials, and rush-released films like Orca and Piranha. “It started with what everyone does: with the T-shirts,” producer Richard Zanuck recalled.