
  • LifestyleYahoo Lifestyle Singapore

    Essential tools and tips to remain centered amidst the COVID-19 storm

    The following tips serve as a guide for a day of being present and reconnecting our mind and body. Everyone is different. Experiment and learn to listen to your body.

    5-min read
  • HealthYahoo Lifestyle Singapore

    Here's what to do when you're overwhelmed by extreme emotions

    The stresses and vagaries of life can sometimes get to us and cause extreme emotions such as anger or depression. However, there are some techniques we can use to manage our emotions and prevent them from overwhelming us.

  • NewsScience of Us on Yahoo

    Here’s the Science of the Happy Cry

    As it turns out, there are a couple of evolutionary reasons why we have these opposing emotions, which psychologists have termed “dimorphous expressions.” In a paper published earlier last year in the journal Psychological Science, Oriana Aragon at Yale University’s department of psychology has explored the paradox of “cute aggression,” where a person is so overwhelmed by the dawww-worthiness of a subject that they express a desire to eat that squishy little thing right up. Crying when you’re h