MTRCB questions ASAP for ‘over-provocative’ number

Anne Curtis's sexy outfit during her performance in “ASAP 18” on Sunday, February 24 did not escape the eye of the Movie Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB).

MTRCB called the attention of the Sunday noontime variety show for its “provocative number.”

Anne performed Rihanna’s “Diamond” while being drenched with water, wearing a black strapless gown with a very high slit. Her performance and outfit soon went abuzz online.

MTRCB posted the following on its official Twitter account on Tuesday, February 26.

Anne on controversial outfit: 'I was completely protected'

Anne Curtis posted a photo of her black strapless dress on Tuesday, February 26, to clarify the issue.

Anne explained that her outfit designed by Boom Sason was a “bodysuit with a hidden tangga.” She assured everyone that no wardrobe malfunction happened, contrary to what many believed.

On Tuesday afternoon, February 26, Anne posted,  “TAAAADAAA! I present to you the controversial @boomita outfit I wore for my birthday number on ASAP. As you can see we have a bodysuit with a hidden tangga to make way for the sky high slit skirt. It is made out of 2 pieces. In fact the "tangga" is made out of swimsuit material which Boom Sason is also known for making. I was completely protected. It may have seemed like a wardrobe malfunction to many but I can assure you, after making the mistake of not securing myself once I wouldn't let that happen to me again. :) So to settle all your minds I just had to post this. Thank you to everyone that was concerned! To everyone that's trying to make an issue out of it! Thank you! ABSCBN news just told me its their most clicked on video on their site ever! Just relax everyone! Wearing a tangga is no newbie in the industry! It's been around since the 80's :)”

Anne posts a photo of her controversial outfit (Scree grab from Anne's Instagram account)
Anne posts a photo of her controversial outfit (Scree grab from Anne's Instagram account)

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