How to share a bed? Listen carfully to your partner

Somebody in this incompetent government failed to tell the Prince of Wales that this was not the time to visit Cuba (Photo, 26 March), which provides much of the security that maintains Venezuela’s dictatorial Maduro regime. This confirms my view that among those who aspire to rule Global Britain, no one has the least idea of a coherent diplomatic strategy towards Latin America.
Malcolm Deas
St Antony’s College, Oxford

• When I was a child in Oxford two roads were barred by the Cutteslowe Walls. These prevented the people in council houses walking to the main road past privately owned houses. They were demolished when I was 20. As I approach 80, I am ashamed to live in a country that stops poor children playing safely outdoors with their peers (Report, 26 March).
Michael Harrison

• The answer to “How to share a bed and be happy” (G2, 26 March) is to listen carefully to your partner. Having been widowed for six years, I still only use the third of our king-size bed that my wife allocated to me; perhaps I will dare to move over towards the middle in time.
Trevor Holland
Pitsea, Essex

• No Regrets deserves to be in any list of outstanding breakup songs, and Scott Walker’s version is excellent (Letters, 26 March). But it was written by the much underrated Tom Rush, whose 1968 original is sublime.
Mike Pender

• Alex Hern (Five ways to cut your phone use, G2, 25 March) neglects to mention the sixth and most effective way: switch it off.
Barry Korzeniewski
Dewsbury, West Yorkshire

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