
Plants of Babylon: how city dwellers are learning to love street plants

Plants of Babylon: The tree that took on a street sign - Francios Decobecq
Plants of Babylon: The tree that took on a street sign - Francios Decobecq

As much as I enjoy a well-kept or ingeniously planted urban garden, I get a greater kick from the plants that find their own crack in the pavement - sometimes quite literally.

I grew up in the countryside, where everyone was blessed with a garden and I learned to understand the passing of the year by the smell of the rapeseed in bloom or crunching through frosts on the turned earth. As I got older, I often found it stultifying, but after a decade living in cities, I’ve come to seek out nature in harsher environments: the Buddleja davidii that smothers the railways every summer like a holiday romance, the lilac froth of campanula that blooms over brickwork and, in winter, the seed-heads that are left to bear the cold.

I’m not alone in this, in fact, in some countries street plants, as they have become known, are celebrated. I’ve written before about donkonjo, the Japanese term meaning “utter gutsiness” that is applied to the plants and vegetables that sprout from that country’s clean pavements. There was national outcry when Little Dai, “the radish with balls”, was cut down in its prime. The councillors of Aioi responded by rescuing Dai’s top and putting it in water in the hope it would regenerate.

In France, meanwhile, Francois Decobecq has been documenting street plants since 2006, when he saw a dandelion blooming in the car park at his office. After sharing them on MySpace, in 2014 he started the Plants of Babylon Instagram account, which I’ve been following ardently since 2016. Now, he’s released a book.

It’s a lovely, simple publication: 135 pages (excluding an index) of photographs of greenery sprouting in the most unlikely of places, complete with the plants’ names – where known – in French and Latin, and the location in which they were found. Both humour and beauty lie here; the delicate Antirrhium majus that rises majestically from a drainpipe, next to a worn-out pink balloon of exactly the same hue; a tangle of red poppies in different stages of bloom forcing their way out from under a manhole cover, next to a cigarette butt.


The photographs rely on contrast for effect, but those with even a passing interest in horticulture will find greater surprise lies in the captions. Take, for instance, the buddleia coming into flower from the sealant around the corner of a concrete plinth in December in Brussels; marvel at the proud, upstanding spines of the agaves and their pups on the pavements of southern France in January.

Decobecq can rattle off the varieties he sees most often - Parietaria officinalis, a nettle built to take over cities, “Aside from the highly allergenic pollen it would be perfect for green walls,” he says “it wouldn't need any irrigation.” He also names Ailanthus altissima, or the Tree of Heaven, and Paulownia tomentosa, or the Empress Tree, as popular street plants.

Decobecq was inspired after seeing a dandelion growing in a car park in 2006
Decobecq was inspired after seeing a dandelion growing in a car park in 2006

Plants of Babylon offers a whole new take on the notion that a weed is simply a flower in the wrong place. I was tickled to see the handsome ficus - currently a wildly desirable houseplant in British homes - pop up next to homes in Miami. Decobecq gives us no indication of whether these plants, like Little Dai before them, would be uprooted or not, but some indicate that the gutsiness has outlasted human intervention for several seasons. In Key West, an unidentified tree has wrapped itself around a post next to the Margaret-Truman drop-off launderette. Between its leaves, you can just make out a sign. It reads “STOP”, something this street plant clearly has no intention of doing.

For Decobecq, it’s a succulent that he was most surprised to see thrive in these tough landscapes: wall pennywort, or Umbilicus rupestris. “Last year I found one growing on a car that was parked in the street, and later another one in a café sign... It's almost like it doesn't need soil!”

Wall pennywort growingWall pennywort growing in the hinge of a car in the hinge of a car
Wall pennywort growing in the hinge of a car

He is modest about his Instagram following, saying that while he gets submissions from other people, it’s only a handful (“I want to thank them,” Decobecq adds). But taking his discoveries online has led to the discovery of other streetplant hunters just like him - the Brazil-based Arvorexiste; Staffan Fischer who posts Swedish streeplants as Trottoaser;  Botaworks, a tribute account to Japan’s pavement topiary and Lorissa Rinehart’s nycityplants.

Together, these accounts build on what Decobecq began with Plants of Babylon in painting a picture of a world we all too often ignore, but is fascinating if we take the time to find it.

Alice is the author of How to Grow Stuff: Easy, no-stress gardening for beginners. For more urban gardening, follow her on