Paris Hilton looks like a real-life Barbie doll with XXL Rapunzel hair

paris hilton barbie rapunzel hair
We're convinced Paris Hilton is a real-life BarbieParis Hilton

Did you know: The world is experiencing somewhat of a Parenassaince* in the 2020s. *[Noun] 1. the revival of Paris Hilton's fashion, beauty and cultural impact under the influence of classical models in the late 20th century.

But just in case you didn't, allow me to explain. In 2023 alone, we've seen everything from the socialite's #sliving shaggy bob to the resurrected halo braid and even her natural hair length conjure up a storm on social media, proving the OG It girl to reign supreme.

And now (read: within the last 24 hours), Paris has given us yet another hair look to fangirl over; enter: extra extra long Rapunzel lengths. I mean, with this hair, anyone would think she's cosplaying as a real-life Barbie doll.

"I am your mother, you listen to me. 🔥 💕 Only @MeghanTrainor would fit this BTS of my shoot with @LadyGunn, love you sis 💕 💝", she writes in the caption of her hair's debut Instagram post.

In her own, iconic words, that's hot.

Not only is Paris rocking the longest blonde strands known to man (which, unless she's gatekeeping a major hair growth serum, we're going to assume is a wig or hair extensions) but for one of said shoot images, her locks have been styled in the most ethereal braid we've ever seen.

Her contrasting blonde tones with the silver intertwined wire is just *chef's kiss*.

We've said it once and we'll say it again; Miss Hilton is the Queen of Barbiecore. Period.

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