
Listing the best robot vacuum cleaners for Indian homes

Listing the best robot vacuum cleaners for Indian homes
Listing the best robot vacuum cleaners for Indian homes

05 Sep 2021: Listing the best robot vacuum cleaners for Indian homes

Don't we all often wish for a robot to magically clean our homes? Well, our collective prayers have borne fruit and we now have robot vacuum cleaners in Indian markets. Unlike manual ones, robot cleaners are designed to clean without human guidance and are a boon for those who hate lifting a finger. Here's a list of our favorite ones available in Indian markets.

#1: iRobot Roomba i7+: Can be integrated with Alexa, Google Assistant

iRobot Roomba i7+ is the best robot vacuum we have come across and we'll tell you why. The machine can be integrated with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant and is equipped with superior features like automatically emptying its dust bin. The machine is also smart enough to not crash into its surroundings and is a pro at navigating through narrow spaces as well.

#2: Roborock S6 MaxV: Stands out for its battery life

Roborock S6 MaxV is one that stands out for its battery life. In its least powerful mode, the machine claims to work for up to three hours which is pretty decent. The highlight, however, has to be its dual cameras and LiDAR navigation system that snaps and detects items on the floor during cleaning. The product is perfect for carpets and hard floors.

#3: Ecovacs Deebot 500: Powerful beast that is quiet as well

If you are looking for a powerful beast that is quiet as well, then, Ecovacs Deebot 500 is perfect for you. The machine comes in three cleaning modes: the Auto mode that does regular floor cleaning, the Edge mode that reaches out to corners, and the Spot mode for intensive cleaning. It does all this while making no noise at all. Sounds good?

#4: Neato Botvac D7 Connected: Allows you to cordon off areas

What sets Neato Botvac D7 Connected apart from the other robots is its "no-go lines" feature that allows you to cordon off areas that you don't want to vacuum. For this, all you have to do is draw a line in the app while the vacuum is in use and forget about it. The robot cleaner looks also stylish and boasts great performance, too.

The news article, Listing the best robot vacuum cleaners for Indian homes appeared first on NewsBytes.

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