Jia Ling admits to losing fans' love after major weight loss

19 Dec – Jia Ling recently admitted that her previous weight loss had lost her a little bit of spark with her original fans, who had loved her for both her humour and her approachable image.

The comedienne-turned-director, who went viral earlier this year for losing 50kg for her movie, "YOLO", said that she didn't expect the topic of her weight would be trending as it wasn't that important to her.

However, she admitted to the notion that she had lost popularity with the average public, and that her friends told her that it was like a major cognitive dissonance with everyone, who couldn't accept her huge change for a while.

Jia Ling's fans love her more when she was heavier
Jia Ling's fans love her more when she was heavier

"But it's okay. I am slowly cultivating the relationship again. Those who understand me will naturally understand me, and those who don't understand will slowly get to know me. I have lost weight, but my soul has not changed," she said.

Jia Ling also said that she has now gained a little bit more weight months after completing "YOLO".

"It was for the visual effect at the time. I was very thin with very low body fat percentage. It was difficult to maintain," she admitted.

The actress admitted that it was very hard to maintain her 'YOLO' figure
The actress admitted that it was very hard to maintain her 'YOLO' figure

(Photo Source: Jia Ling Weibo)