James Gunn comes to Chris Pratt's defence over Kevin Smith 'prayers' backlash

James Gunn defends Chris Pratt (Credit: Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
James Gunn defends Chris Pratt (Credit: Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

No one berates Chris Pratt in front of Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn and gets away with it.

Yesterday, Pratt received some not inconsiderably heat on Twitter after he extolled the ‘healing power of prayer’ in a message of support for director Kevin Smith, who has suffered a heart attack.

“Kevin we don’t know each other too good but I have loved you since Clerks and I’m praying my ass off for you cause I believe in the healing power of prayer. Can you please pray with me people!?” Pratt tweeted.

But within minutes of posting the message, Pratt was getting himself a hefty trolling.

However, soon enough it was Gunn to the rescue.

Pratt has never hidden his Christian faith.

In fact, he explained his conversion as a teenager in an interview with Vanity Fair last year.

“I was sitting outside a grocery store… And a guy named Henry came up and recognized something in me that needed to be saved,” Pratt said.

“He asked what I was doing that night, and I was honest. I said, ‘My friend’s inside buying me alcohol.’ ‘You going to go party?’ he asked. ‘Yeah.’ ‘Drink and do drugs? Meet girls, fornication?’ I was like, ‘I hope so.’”

“It should’ve made me nervous but didn’t. I said, ‘Why are you asking?’ He said, ‘Jesus told me to talk to you…’ At that moment I was like, I think I have to go with this guy. He took me to church. Over the next few days I surprised my friends by declaring that I was going to change my life.”

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