You can be overweight and still be active and healthy

If you are physically active but overweight, don’t worry: Research suggests that physical activity may actually help combat some of the negative effects of excess weight. Physical activity leads to physical fitness which in turn is likely to make you metabolically healthy and fit – this means no high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar.

Researchers at the Cooper Institute, a non-profit organisation in Dallas in the United States, found in a study that fit men in all weight categories – normal weight, overweight, obese – had significantly lower death rates from cancer than unfit men.

Another study published in the European Heart Journal found that individuals who were overweight or obese, but metabolically healthy and fit, did not have a greater risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer than normal weight individuals. Researcher Francisco Ortega, one of the authors of the study said, “… getting more exercise broadly and positively influences major body systems and organs and consequently contributes to make someone metabolically healthier, including obese people”.

So, instead of fretting about those extra kilos and dieting to lose weight, focus on exercise to get physically fit.

Tips to start exercising if you are overweight:

Pilates. Photo: Pixabay
Pilates. Photo: Pixabay

Exercise at home with free workout videos. Fix a time to do this every day, preferably in the morning before you set out for the day.

Get a friend or your partner to join you for a walk, jog or run: Having company makes the exercise more enjoyable and also increases your commitment to it.

Join a yoga class: Yoga is a holistic exercise that improves flexibility, builds muscle strength and boosts cardiac health.

Find a gym near your home or workplace: It’s easier to go to a gym if it’s conveniently located. If it’s near your workplace, schedule your workout at lunchtime so you don’t get delayed returning home after work.

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