6-Pack Mom Sarah Stage Claps Back at Haters

Photo credit: Instagram / @SarahStage
Photo credit: Instagram / @SarahStage

From Cosmopolitan

In an Instagram video that's been viewed more than 280K times overnight, six-pack mom Sarah Stage, who's nearly eight months pregnant with her second child, cranks out a home workout and clarifies what some mistake as her motive:

"Since I've announced my second pregnancy, I've had certain 'Instagram medical experts' tell me what I should and shouldn't do," she wrote, likely alluding to trolls who've harassed her for exercising with a baby on board. She goes on to explain that she (wisely) prefers to listen to her actual OBGYN's advice and explain *exactly* why she sweats it out in the first place: "There are also some people who assume that since I am exercising while pregnant, that I'm obsessed with how I 'look' but in fact I'm obsessed with maintaining a healthy lifestyle that will give my baby and myself the best possible quality of life."

Spoken like the fit mom she is!

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