
5 Ways to Tone Your Entire Body With a Pumpkin

From Cosmopolitan

Everyone knows that adding pumpkins to your life is the best way to get all the fall feelings. It’s just your luck that these gourds can make your workout festive too.

Pumpkins weigh just enough - usually about 8 to 10 pounds for the kind you use to make jack-o’-lanterns - to add a hint of intensity to a bodyweight workout. Try the following pumpkin moves from New York City-based Dogpound trainer Bianca Vesco to lift your butt, strengthen your core, and firm your arms this fall:

Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team / Katie Buckleitner
Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team / Katie Buckleitner

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Complete this circuit in the following order and repeat it for up to three rounds.

1. Squat to Pumpkin Press

Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team
Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team

How to do it: Holding a medium-size pumpkin (approximately 8 pounds) in both hands, stand with your feet about shoulders-width apart, toes facing forward. Keeping the chest high and knees behind the toes, bend your knees into a squat and reach the pumpkin towards the ground. Next, extend your legs to stand as you curl the pumpkin up towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your sides. From this position, extend your arms overhead to press the pumpkin straight up towards the sky. Return to starting position to complete one rep. Do 15 reps for a complete set.

Where you’ll feel it: Your butt and thighs, plus your biceps and shoulders.

2. Pumpkin Plank Jumps

Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team
Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team

How to do it: Place your palms on top of a large (10 pounds) or medium pumpkin, and step both feet back into plank position in which your body forms a straight line between the top of your head and your heels. Engage your core for stability as you hop both feet forward to squat position where your feet frame the pumpkin. Next, hop back to plank position to complete one rep. Do 15 reps for a complete set.

Where you’ll feel it: Your arms, chest, and shoulders, plus your core and legs.

3. Jumping Jack-O’-Lanterns

Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team
Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team

How to do it: Start with a small pumpkin in each hand, arms extended along your sides, and stand with your feet together, toes facing forward. Jump your feet out into a wide stand as you raise both arms out to the sides and up overhead. Next, jump your feet back to starting position as you bring your arms back down to your sides. That’s one rep. Continue for 60 seconds for a complete set.

Where you’ll feel it: Your arms, legs, and core - plus your heart, if you move quickly.

4. Curtsy Lunge With Pumpkin Circles

Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team
Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team

How to do it: Stand with your feet together, toes facing forward, with a small 1-pound pumpkin in each hand. Raise your arms out to the sides to form a “T.” While moving the pumpkins in small forward circles, take a large step diagonally behind you with your right foot. Keeping your shoulders stacked over your hips, bend both knees 90 degrees to lower into a curtsy lunge. Press into your front heel to return to standing position without dropping your arms. That’s one rep. Repeat on the opposite side and continue to alternate, switching to backward arm circles halfway through your reps. Do six reps per side for a complete set.

Where you’ll feel it: Your arms and shoulders, plus your butt and thighs.

5. Pumpkin Pop-Ups

Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team
Photo credit: Cosmo Video Team

How to do it: Holding a medium to large pumpkin in both hands at chest level, take a large step backward with your right foot and bend both knees 90 degrees to lower into a reverse lunge. Keeping your shoulders stacked over your hips and core engaged, jump straight up and reverse legs in the air, landing with your right foot in front and your left foot behind you. Bend both knees to lower into a reverse lunge. Continue to alternate lead legs while holding the pumpkin. Do the moves for 60 seconds for a complete set.

Where you’ll feel it: Your butt, thighs, core, and biceps, plus your heart if you move quickly enough.

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