
4,500+ Reviewers Swear by This $14 Battery Organizer From a Viral TikTok

Photo credit: The Battery Organizer
Photo credit: The Battery Organizer

From House Beautiful

If you, like me, tend to throw any batteries you have in a bag or keep them half-opened in a basket, let me introduce you to a product that’ll rid you of that chaos: a battery organizer. Yes, those exist! There’s one on Amazon that even comes with a battery life tester that reviewers swear by.

People are obsessing over the organizer on TikTok, specifically from TikToker @teresalauracaruso's post showcasing how the organizer and battery life tester works.

The brand The Battery Organizer sells the storage compartment that will make it easy to find what battery type you need in seconds. It holds 93 batteries of various sizes from standard AA to flat batteries. The white plastic organizer features a clear hinged cover. You can store it in a drawer or even mount it on a wall. It comes with a battery life tester, so you don’t have to play the guessing game and waste extra time. Better yet, the tester doesn’t require any batteries to operate. It relies on the power of the battery you’re testing.

The $14 organizer has more than 4,500 five-star reviews on Amazon. Reviewers praise it for its sturdiness and clear casing. "The biggest benefit aside from all of my batteries being organized together in one place is I can get a visual of how many batteries I have of each size with a quick glance," one person wrote. It’s truly a game-changer!

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